Turns out I'm blogging faster than I expected.
It's just that today I learn something very valuable to me, and I need to jot it down to encourage me and others out there that read my blog.
I'm in a hard position, and I keep thinking about it, and I pray and I pray some more.
But today I learn, that I'm my own person. No one can push me to do things that I don't want.
And I need time to think, to figure things out, to weigh things out and to pray about things.
No one can push me around, and no words out there can hurt me if I don't let it.
What matters most is what God says about me, and what I say about me matters most.
It doesn't matter what people say about me, because as I learn on Sunday with Ps. Paul Scanlon,
what you think about yourself, what you believe about yourself, matters most. That's the voice that you hear most in your head. What people says can't hurt you if you don't let them.
It doesn't matter what people says to you about you, because your voice, what you think about people says about you, that's the one that matters.
Ie. parents told teenagers what to do, and teen just say yes mom, and their inside voice says, no mom, i think i will do something else. and they do something else. parents voice don't matter that much if they already make the decision in their head.
Same with us. Now I just understand deeply about BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
If you believe you can do it, if you believe in yourself, then no other voice who curses you matter, because you will find a way to do it. You will do it. Other people's voice doesn't matter, because you believe more in what God says about you, and what you say about you.
But if you believe what other says about you, then you're out.
and I have a choice, dammit! I refuse to let others dictate my life. I refuse to let others pressure me to do things I don't want or like. I refuse to get into others' time frame. I have my own time frame, I need time to digest my own thing, and if it takes time, then it takes time! My God let me choose my own and my God doesn't pressure me to do things I don't want.
For you guys out there that has dreams, and has let other people's opinion get into your life, that cancel out your dreams, don't let it. Believe in yourself. Talk to yourself. Your voice matters most. Dream again. Think again. Take time if you want. God will guide. God will answer. Have hope. Have faith.
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