Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Claire's layout and photoshop

Good morning y'all!!

Last night I was browsing pinterest, and I come across this really cool super easy tutorial on how to edit your photos in PS. I tried it, and it worked! That's why I say super easy because even I can understand them. I'm usually hopeless in the technical computer stuff, editing, figuring out how to do stuff, I need someone to instruct me step by step. And I don't bother experimenting because for me, it's a waste of my time. Let other people experiment, when they're done, they can tell me about it! ha ha ha..
So it was in pinterest that someone was sharing how they edit their photos, how to make them sharper and give them more light.
It's true that all the bloggers out there always edit their photos before they post them. I don't. Ergo, it's not as sharp or as beautiful as I want them to be. Now I know how to edit! Yay! So happy!!

So here's my layout and I want to compare them, before editing and after editing... I'm really curious as to whether it makes any difference or not when I post them on my blog.... and if it does, boy, am gonna edit all of them everytime before I post!






my oh my! I can see the difference! Much sharper and clearer! More color pop!! Oh wow! ha ha ha..
This is also my first time trying it and posting it on the blog! wow.. so excited!!

So, are you interested in editing photos as well? If you are, I can post it on my blog next time.. If not, then I just let it go... you can comment and ask me for the link for the super simple photo editing.

Have a great day friends!

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